Tamiya 1/35 German Tiger I Early Production Tank Build
Hi all. I thought I would share my final photos of the Tamiya 1/35 build. This is my…
Building and Painting the German WW2 Sturmtiger: Tamiya 1/48 Scale Model
Hey and welcome! I am going to get right into this. For more background on how and why…
No, America Isn’t on the Brink of Fascism—Here’s Why
Trump’s Election Victory Doesn’t Signal an Authoritarian Takeover Like the Left Claims.
How a 1946 Diplomatic Cable Predicted the Collapse of Objective Truth in America
How the self-hypnosis of America has led to the decline of objective truths.
November 2024 CPI & BLS Economic Indicators
Donald Trump is proposing to extend his 2017 tax cuts and give new breaks to retirees and tipped…
Was America Ever ‘Great?’
By propagating a slogan such as “Make America Great Again,” we are cherry-picking certain aptitudes of our past…
Why This Alaskan Spot Stole My Heart After 7 Years
I’ve always described Valdez as something out of a J.R.R. Tolkien novel.
On Critical Thinking: The Chasm of Fact vs. Fiction
Poking fun at a political party based on false information is one thing. Convincing immunocompromised patients not to…
Life at the Top: Traveling to Barrow, Alaska- the Northernmost Community in the USA (Part I)
I was a school portrait photographer in Barrow, Alaska. Here is my story.
My Espresso Machine
I should probably be studying right now, but I want to tell you about the time I had…