We are delighted to invite you to our wedding in Mankato, MN, on June 14th, 2025. While we are still working on a few details, we invite you to make travel arrangements as soon as possible. Our ceremony will begin at 2:30 PM at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in North Mankato*. Our reception will follow at the Mayo Event Center in downtown Mankato.

We have two hotels with a block rate:
Hilton Garden Inn– (507)-344-1111. This hotel is connected to the Mayo Event Center- where our reception will take place. *Use this link to book your room or call the hotel. We recommend booking with this hotel since it is attached to the event center.
River Hills Hotel in Mankato– (507) 388-8688. This hotel is about 10 minutes from the Mayo Event Center.
Both hotels are under our names- “Karlee and Gabe King.” Room options and pricing for each hotel are at the bottom of this page.

Click here to view our wedding registry

Now, on to the good stuff… FOOD! We have decided to host an American-style buffet. Food items will include chicken cordon blue, herb-crusted pork, potatoes, salad, seasonal vegetables, and coffee. We also have a stuffed-pepper vegetarian option.

Name(s) of Attending

Total Number in Your Party

Check “yes” if anyone in your party is a vegetarian.

Email (for last-minute updates and information.)

Favorite Wedding Song(s)

Any Other Details we Should Know?


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* At this time, we are still working out the final details of the ceremony (time and place.) The ceremony will be in Mankato and will be in the late afternoon (aiming for 2:30 PM) We will be sure to update everyone when we have the final details 🙂

Hilton Garden Inn Pricing

River Hills Hotel Pricing