Unboxing History: My Rare Napoleon Medal Set from La Collection Impériale

I recently acquired this wooden box of 24 Napoleonic medals. Very little information exists on this set; here’s what I have so far.

Hi all! I am sharing this post partly to exhibit my medals but also with the aspiration that others will find this page a valuable resource in their pursuit of knowledge regarding this particular Napoleonic medal set. Many of these medals are frequently sold as individual pieces, often separated from their original collection, rendering a complete set an uncommon find. In the near future, I plan to contact the Club Français de la Monnaie in the hope that they can provide further historical and contextual insights into this collection. Should I uncover additional information, I will update this post accordingly. I encourage you to contribute any research or findings you may have on these medals in the comment section of this post. Here are some photos of my set:

Full resolution can be viewed here: https://bin.pedalsandpages.com/api/public/dl/d-oVeNB6?inline=true

Information on Each Medal

  • Alexandre Bonaparte, October 1797, weight: 47.41g, diameter: 40.5 mm
  • Conquest of Egypt, 1798, weight: 46.63g, diameter: 41.5 mm
  • Battle of Marengo, June 1800, weight: 47.40g, diameter: 41 mm
  • Civil Code, Year XII (1803-1804), weight: 49.16g, diameter: 41 mm
  • Legionnaire Honor to the Brave of the Army, August 1804, weight: 48.46g, diameter: 41 mm
  • The Senate and the People, Year XIII (1804-1805), weight: 46.31g, diameter: 40.5 mm
  • Column of the Grand Army, 1805, weight: 48.66g, diameter: 41.5 mm
  • Battle of Austerlitz, December 1805, weight: 49.34g, diameter: 41.5 mm
  • Crossing of the Rhine at Mainz, October 1806, weight: 49.05g, diameter: 41.5 mm
  • Prussian Army Destroyed at Jena, October 1806, weight: 48.14g, diameter: 41.5 mm
  • Bust of Napoleon Emperor and King by Brenet, 1807, weight: 448.39g, diameter: 41 mm
  • Iterum Ibidem, July 1809, weight: 51.51g, diameter: 41.5 mm
  • Battle of Wagram, July 1809, weight: 46.88g, diameter: 40.5 mm
  • Marriage of Napoleon I and Marie Louise, weight: 49.61g, diameter: 41.5 mm
  • Capture of Wilna, June 1812, weight: 49.92g, diameter: 41 mm
  • Battle of Borodino (Moskowa), September 1812, weight: 47.83g, diameter: 41 mm
  • Battle of Lützen, May 1813, weight: 49.06g, diameter: 41.5 mm
  • Confidence and Strength, Defense of the Empire, 1813, weight: 47.93g, diameter: 41 mm
  • Misfortunes of War, March 1814, weight: 47.83g, diameter: 40.5 mm
  • Abdication of Napoleon I, April 1814, weight: 48.94g, diameter: 41 mm
  • Waterloo, 1815, weight: 51.09g, diameter: 42 mm
  • Napoleon’s Stay on Saint Helena, October 1815, weight: 48.68g, diameter: 41 mm
  • Memorial of Saint Helena, May 1821, weight: 47.46g, diameter: 40.5 mm
  • Legion of Honor, weight: 47.50g, diameter: 41 mm

Here is a video going over some of the history of the medals:

Bob even says that he cannot find any bit of info on these medals. So we have to go with the best bet that they might have been released in the late 20th century.


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