Photo Essay: Portraits in Alaska’s Native Communities

As a school portrait photographer, I flew by bush plane to remote Alaskan villages, where every trip was an adventure—navigating unpredictable weather, setting up makeshift studios in school cafeterias, and capturing moments for families who cherished these rare portraits. It was the most stressful yet rewarding career I’ve ever had.

In 2019 I was approached by a photographer from Anchorage with a unique proposal: take over his role as the sole school portrait photographer for more than 10 Alaskan Native villages. I had just left my full-time career as a firefighter to pursue my photography business full-time. After taking a few days to decide, I knew that this would be a great opportunity, not only for the growth of my business, but for the growth of myself as a person.

The Journey to the Villages

Each assignment started by coordinating with each school and its administrative staff. This involved hours of office work, printing fliers, and booking flights on small bush planes out of Fairbanks. Weather delays were common, and I often found myself waiting at tiny airstrips, hoping the fog or a winter storm would lift. If you haven’t been to the North Slope of Alaska, the weather changes dramatically within a short timeframe. With each canceled flight came the additional hours of admin work to schedule new dates, fliers, and details with the school and community.

170lbs of equipment loaded up into a small bush plane

For those successful flights and landings, it was a rush from the airstrip to the school to set up for the day’s portraits. If the flight was delayed, then that meant even more rushing around- sometimes in 50MPH winds! The schools, often the heart of these communities, welcomed me with a mix of curiosity and excitement. Some students had never had professional portraits taken before. Others were shy, unused to cameras, while some beamed with enthusiasm, ready with their best smile! Word travels fast in a remote community and most would already know the “camera guy” was in town!

My mobile portrait studio

The Challenges

Unlike traditional photography studios, I had to make do with whatever space was available—cafeterias, gymnasiums, or even classrooms. Setting up a backdrop and lighting in tight spaces while working quickly was a skill I perfected out of necessity. Internet access was limited or nonexistent, meaning I had to triple-check all my work before leaving, ensuring every shot was properly lit and in focus.

Another challenge? Logistics. Every piece of equipment had to be carefully packed, knowing that if something broke, there was no running to a store for a replacement. Fragile bulbs, sensitive computers, and cameras, etc. Power outages, delayed flights, and last-minute schedule changes were all part of the job. I learned to adapt and make the best of any situation- and, often, the staff at the schools were wonderful with helping me out!


I accepted this role in the spring of 2019, before the pandemic. During the fall of 2019 and early 2020, chaos erupted. Some schools shut down for weeks at a time. Here I was, thousands of dollars and many hours invested in this venture, and things were getting canceled left and right. Debt was piling up and this was an extremely stressful time. I had bills to pay, printing fees, shipping fees, and all of the other admin work that went into a successful trip up North. This new business venture almost went kaput. In fact, the wedding and portrait side of my business was keeping me afloat, thankfully.

Miraculously, I made it work, photographing the schools that I could get to. Unfortunately, some schools had to wait another year for their photos. Each village had its pandemic mandates; some, for instance, wouldn’t let any non-residents fly in!

Year Two

My second year up North brought its own challenges, but one in particular changed everything: a portion of Barrow’s runway was closed. At first, it might not seem like a big deal, but it meant that the daily Alaska Airlines jet could only land in near-perfect weather due to the shorter runway. And if you know anything about the North Slope, you know the weather is rarely perfect—clear skies can vanish in minutes as fog rolls in from the coast. For weeks, the jet almost always turned back to Anchorage. This also meant I could be stranded in Barrow, as that flight was my only way home—just as it was for many others. There were a couple of times that I watched the flight radar and could see the jet circling in the skies in hopes that the weather would lighten.

A lot of other factors were at play in year two and I am not going to get into specifics. Other aspects of my business, such as the wedding photography side, were booming. I was also doing aurora tours with travelers from all over the world, helping them photograph the Northern Lights. COVID set back this business venture, and I was feeling the costs even during the 2020 school season. For these and several other reasons, I decided to terminate the contract. It was one of the hardest business decisions that I’ve had to make. There simply was no other alternative in sight.


Despite the stress, the work was deeply fulfilling. Many families cherished these photos, and for some students, these portraits became treasured keepsakes, sent to relatives far away. The gratitude from parents and teachers made every long travel day and logistical headache worth it.

Looking back, I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. Alaska’s remote villages taught me resilience, adaptability, and the power of human connection—lessons that have stayed with me long after I took my last school portrait. I do miss these connections and, if you are one of my former students or family members, I hope that this post finds you well! I miss the stillness and quiet of the frozen north, especially during these times.

I hope you enjoyed this photo essay. Thank you for reading!

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